Have you ever thought of tamales and stew together? This is what we call: Pepian de Choclo.
A lot of Peruvian dishes are stew base, and this is one is a special one of a mixture of tamales and stew.
It is a stocky meal that will keep you satisfy for a long time. It is the main base being a creamy base of corn.
You can accompany this with a side of rice and a protein. Here I added some delicious pork. You can keep this as a meatless option too and substitute some veggies. A lot can be done.
No mas espera, comencemos con nuestro olluquito con carne!
Cocinemos con corazon, voluntad y alegria
Curso: Almuerzo o Cena
Porciones: 4-6 personas
Preparación: 15 minutos
Cocinar: 30 minutos
Tiempo Total: 45 minutos
1/3 taza de aceite
2 ajos
1 taza de cebolla picada
1 cuchara de aji mirasol
1 libra de carne de cerdo
1/2 taza de caldo de pollo
2 tazas de choclo desgranado
Sal al gusto
Pimienta al gusto
Have you ever thought of tamales and stew together? This is what we call: corn pepian
A lot of Peruvian dishes are stew base, and this is one is a special one of a mixture of tamales and stew.
It is a stocky meal that will keep you satisfy for a long time. It is the main base being a creamy base of corn.
You can accompany this with a side of rice and a protein. Here I added some delicious pork. You can keep this as a meatless option too and substitute some veggies. A lot can be done.
No more waiting, let's start with our corn pepian!
Let's cook with heart, will, and joy
Course: Lunch or Dinner
Servings: 4-6 people
Preparation: 15 minutes
Cook: 30 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes
1/3 cup of oil
2 garlics
1 cup of chopped onion
1 tablespoon of aji mirasol
1 pound of pork
1/2 cup chicken broth
2 cups of peruvian corn
Salt to taste
Black pepper to taste